

Calcite is a versatile and abundant mineral found in various colours, including colourless, white, yellow, green, blue, orange, and pink. Known for its distinctive rhombohedral crystal habit, calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral that can be found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks worldwide.

Birthstones & Anniversaries

Calcite is not a traditional birthstone.

Crystal Healing Energy

The overarching theme of calcite is transformation and clarity. Calcite’s energy is believed to cleanse, amplify, and uplift, promoting clarity and emotional balance. Different colours of calcite are thought to have distinct energies: blue calcite is calming, green calcite supports healing, and orange calcite enhances creativity. Calcite is widely used for releasing stagnant energy, aiding emotional healing, and encouraging mental clarity.


Double Refraction: Calcite displays double refraction, meaning objects viewed through the crystal appear doubled, a property often demonstrated with optical calcite.

Major Sources: Calcite is found worldwide, with notable sources in Mexico, the United States, Iceland, and Brazil.

Fluorescence: Certain calcite specimens exhibit fluorescence under UV light, making them popular in mineral collections.

Variety in Colour: Calcite’s wide range of colours comes from trace impurities, allowing for a versatile range of crystal healing properties.


Mineral: Calcite
Crystal System: Trigonal
Chemistry: CaCO₃
Colour: Wide range, including clear, white, yellow, orange, blue, green, and pink
Refractive Index: 1.486 to 1.658
Birefringence: 0.172
Specific Gravity: 2.71
Mohs Hardness: 3


Calcite is typically untreated; however, some varieties may be dyed to enhance colour, particularly with lower-grade specimens.


Synthetic calcite is rare due to the mineral’s abundance and low cost. However, some calcite-like materials are manufactured for industrial use, particularly optical calcite.


Glass and plastic are occasionally used as imitations for calcite, especially for vibrant colours like orange and green, though these lack the unique optical properties of natural calcite.

similar materials
  • Aragonite: A calcium carbonate mineral with a similar composition but a different crystal structure.

Other Varieties of Calcite



